Sunday, July 26, 2009

Canadian Healthcare in the United States! No!!!!

Lately, Canada's healthcare system has been called backwards by US politicians. And the news networks have really not done their research to find out what is true and what is not.

The fact is that Canada's health care is not perfect, by any stretch of the imagination. What is true, however, is that every single person living in Canada either as a permament resident, refugee, or citizen is entitled to the same level of care as everyone else. And because of this, health care is rationed. Certain procedures are not covered. There are long wait times for some procedures. We pay for this care through our taxes. In general, our costs are lower because there is no profit going to the government and that as a whole, an overseeing power can regulate efficiencies and costs.

The problem with US health care today is the same with all corporations: Greed. 1 in every 7 Americans have no health care coverage. 62% of personal bankrupcies are due to medical reasons - the inability to pay their health care bills because they have lost insurance or they are underinsured. In Canada, that number is um, zero. These bankruptcies turn into homelessness and you end up with a population of very destitute citizens who were once very stable middle class and productive people: taxpaying homeowners. Their dreams are destroyed because of a medical catastrophy that in all other western countries would be covered. This problem is largely ignored. For most Americans, they have a family member who is gainfully employed. They are healthy for the most part. The insurance costs are paid through their workplace. For those, care is extremely quick. Your ability to get care is based on the quality and expense of the health care insurance. And frankly, it is not fair.

Canadians go to the United States for health care because they do not want to wait for their care. And I understand this. My Dad had hip surgery and had to wait for a year. His quality of life suffered due to this wait. But it wasn't life threatening. If I had the money I would have probably sent him to the United States. And this is the pitfall of rationing: you have to wait for your care. When you get your care, it's very very good. But when you are waiting, you suffer. But if you have a heart attack or stroke, you are treated immediately, and when you walk out of the hospital, the only bill that you have is for the prescription drugs and these are covered in most provinces if the amount goes over a ceiling amount (usually less than $1,000).

Whatever system is adopted in the United States, what is clear is that Americans must have compassion for their own citizens. Insurance companies must be regulated. The government must provide some coverage to the under and uninsured which will also take prevention into account.